Wednesday, October 21, 2015


This happened because I was eating BooBerry Cereal.

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This is the comics equivalent of a stream-of-consciousness writing.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Unicorn and a Random Person. They solve... Crimes?

 photo MysteryPage1_zpstwfoeisk.jpg

Trying to force myself into drawing regularly involves mining old, incomplete ideas, drawing them to the best of my rusty ability, and then posting them here. Who knows if I'll continue with this or if it will ever make sense! Just run with it! Run! RUN!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

When all else fails? FAN ART.

Practicing with brush pens, I made this attempt at Frank Doyle (of "and Sadie" fame).

 photo FrankDoyle_zpszpn8syl4.jpg

Also, this is basically one of my favorite lines in anything ever. TAH #88.