Okay, I'll be honest here. This isn't an entirely new venture, here. I did a lot of cautious preparation, a lot of testing the waters, a lot of other cliches. The point is that I feel this has a reasonable chance of going the distance.
Let me fill you in on some of what's happened so far.

Unnamed contributors should remain unnamed, but if you've got a spare moment why not send good thoughts to my buddy Turnsky? He's having some problems with his drawin' hand, which is a special kind of hell for someone so talented and so devoted to
On a similar note, you may want to check out stuff from my other friend MixedMyth. Her work is beautiful, her
old comic's archive is story-complete, and her
new comic will be updated terribly infrequently because she has tendonitis in both wrists. Aargh. Her only contribution to this project thus far was to gnaw on my skull for a while, though.

...What? They get in my hair! My hair contains
no fish you stupid jellies!
Aaaaanyhow. I may be new at this, but I've got some friends who dabble in science, mad or otherwise.
You might know Doc Lego from
Legostar Galactica. He's a real Doctor, you know!
Joel Fagin does... well, I'm sure he does
something, but mostly he tells terrible puns and keeps me up to date on Doctor Who. And tries to convince me to visit him in Australia, despite my objections to the ubiquitous poisonous fauna.
Ryan Kolter is the mastermind of a now-ended strip called
Reasoned Cognition - it's your go-to place for Science made simple, in comic form! Or at least it's mine. Ryan is also my go-to place for explosives, uranium, and BBQ.
Whew, this is turning into quite the link-fest. I'd better move on...

Being flexible and exploring new plans is the key to success!
...Unless it involves Congo Jack.