Don't think that my silence here is evidence of lackadaisical activity on my part! Take a look at some of the bold undertakings I've attempted since the last post.
That's right. I. Made. Gingerbread houses!

There are really only two of them. I drew the door-and-windows designs on first, figuring I could just make another one on the other side if I messed up.
That's why there are two houses, but four fronts.

They're nothing fancy, just kit-made. Which is means that while they're technically edible, they're totally inedible.

I had real difficulty finding kits, too. In fact I wound up getting these at a craft store.

I'm very proud of the results.
But, what's the point of gingerbread if you can't eat it? Sooooooo....

...COOKIES! I'm not much of a baker, or of a decorator, but these were delicious. Thank you, box mix!

The blurry makes them extra tasty.

I was considering the possibility of using Gingerbread Men as messengers, given that they are considered impossible to outrun. But in the end... just too delicious.
But lest you think I've been frittering all of my time away on ginger-related year end festivities, I think it's well enough time to let you in on a little other project I've been working on. Something involving... cameras. And not photographic cameras, but... video cameras!
I'm talking, of course, about-

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